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基于新疆65个森林公园,以平均最邻近指数、变异系数、地理集中指数和基尼系数等对其空间分布和影响因素进行分析。结果表明,新疆森林公园分布类型为集聚性分布,且具有“北密南疏”的特点;其空间分布在省际空间范围内呈非均衡的集中分布,且分布均匀度较大;森林公园的分布与人口密度、交通通达度及经济发展水平重合度较低,与水资源分布重合度较高,具有一定配比性;部分公园周边景区及林果资源丰富。  相似文献   
为给内蒙古高原区、黄土高原区和西北荒漠绿洲区紫花苜蓿测土施肥奠定科学基础,采用零散实验数据整合法以及养分平衡-地力差减法,开展了三大自然区域紫花苜蓿土壤速效钾丰缺指标和推荐施钾量研究。结果表明,内蒙古高原区紫花苜蓿土壤速效钾第1~4级指标依次为≥342mg/kg、89~342mg/kg、24~89mg/kg和<24mg/kg,黄土高原区第1~6级指标依次为≥171mg/kg、96~171mg/kg、54~96mg/kg、30~54mg/kg、17~30mg/kg和<17mg/kg,西北荒漠绿洲区第1~4级指标依次为≥303mg/kg、140~303mg/kg、65~140mg/kg和<65mg/kg;当目标产量9~27t/hm2、钾肥利用率50%时,第1~6级土壤的推荐施钾量分别为0、54~162kg/hm2、108~324kg/hm2、162~486kg/hm2、216~648kg/hm2和270~810kg/hm2。  相似文献   
【目的】 研究核桃光合特性与其品质和产量的关系。【方法】 以新疆优良核桃品种新新2和温185为材料,对照分析2个品种的光合作用及其叶绿素荧光特性,与其果实品质和产量的关系。【结果】 温185和新新2光合速率与量子效率没有显著差异,这与2个品种单株产量和单产一致。2个品种在出仁率上有显著差异,即温185出仁率显著高于新新2,温185呼吸速率也显著高于新新2,出仁率可能与其代谢特性有关。总叶绿素含量之间无显著差异,而温185的叶绿素a/b值和类胡萝卜素含量均极显著高于新新2。【结论】 温185和新新2的产量与其光合特性有关,而其品质与其它代谢有关。温185比新新2具有更强的光保护能力。  相似文献   
李曦光  王蕾  刘平  罗磊  侯晓臣  邱琴 《新疆农业科学》2020,57(10):1785-1791
【目的】 结合种植区资源分布现状,利用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)预测新疆红枣潜在适生区,为新疆红枣区域布局和种植结构调整提供有效的理论指导和依据。【方法】 以年降水量、花期降水量(5~6月)、成熟期降水量(9~10月)、年有效积温(≥10℃)、年极端最低气温和平均气温6个气候因子和绿洲灌溉区、沙漠敏感区2个土地因子及高程因子为环境变量,利用GIS空间分析技术获取新疆红枣地理分布数据,采用MaxEnt模型进行建模并预测新疆红枣潜在适生区,使用百分比贡献率分析其主要环境因子及生态位参数。【结果】 (1)ROC评价(Receiver Operating Characteristic,ROC)显示MaxEnt模型预测新疆红枣潜在适生区的训练数据集和测试数据集的AUC值分别为0.921和0.904,模拟效果优秀。(2)新疆红枣潜在适生区总面积2 365.939 7×104 hm2,其中最适生区429.350 1×104 hm2,主要分布于新疆南疆的喀什地区、阿克苏地区、和田地区、克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州和巴音郭楞蒙古自治州,东疆的吐鲁番市、哈密市。(3)影响新疆红枣生长的主要环境因子是年极端最低气温(35.15%)、绿洲灌溉区(20.77%)、年有效积温(19%)和成熟期降水量(13.27%)。新疆红枣适宜生长在年极端最低气温≥-24.65℃,年有效积温≥3 595℃,成熟期降水量为0.54~7.64 mm,且绿洲灌溉区有助于提高其适生程度。【结论】 新疆红枣潜在适生区呈现环塔里木盆地聚集,低温是其最主要的影响因子。  相似文献   
【目的】分析实施禁牧和草畜平衡后的退化草原植被群落特征,研究退化草原生态环境恢复情况,为乌鲁木齐市退化草地的恢复重建提供科学指导。【方法】选取乌鲁木齐市实施禁牧和草畜平衡的天然草地为对象,对不同恢复年限禁牧区和草畜平衡区的植被长势变化及植物群落平均高度、盖度和地上生物量等进行实地调查和分析,研究退化草地在恢复过程中植物群落特征的变化。【结果】(1)实施草原补奖政策后,恢复5 a后较恢复1 a,恢复8 a较恢复5 a草原植物长势明显变好。(2)禁牧区不同草地类型的植被盖度、高度和生物量随恢复时间的延长呈上升趋势,草畜平衡区不同草地类呈现先升高后降低的趋势,在恢复8 a时出现下降趋势,这可能与2018年乌鲁木齐市降雨量较低有关。【结论】通过实施禁牧和草畜平衡,乌鲁木齐市草地退化的现象得到了一定程度的遏制和改善,在政策实施8 a后草地植被恢复较好,但不同草地类型的变化有所差异,需继续加强草地资源监测。  相似文献   
葛瑶    王振锡   《西北林学院学报》2020,35(6):74-81
为研究天山云杉林冠层特征与林下草本物种多样性的相互关系,以新疆天格尔森林公园天山云杉林的4个龄级的林分(幼林龄、中林龄、近熟林、成熟林)为研究对象,以冠层分析仪获得的冠层结构特征和林下光环境指数等野外实际调查数据为依据,通过计算 α 多样性指数分析4个龄级的草本物种多样性,利用多元统计方法研究冠层结构对草本多样性的影响。结果表明,各个指标在不同龄级间均有一定的差异,且随着林分的生长和更新,天山云杉林呈现林冠开度逐渐减小、叶面积指数增大、林下光辐射均减弱、物种多样性指数均减小的趋势;典型模型表明林冠开度对冠层结构起到主要作用(呈极显著正相关P<0.01),叶面积指数次之(呈极显著负相关P<0.01);在林下辐射中,林下总辐射对林内光环境起主要作用;相比冠层结构,林下光照对草本层物种多样性的作用更大,其中林冠开度和丰富度指数之间呈显著正相关,林下总辐射、林下直射辐射和多样性指数、均匀度指数之间均呈显著正相关。  相似文献   
旨在研究主被动遥感结合的地表覆被变化监测方法,使用高分数据和哨兵1号数据分别代表被动和主动遥感,对新疆西天山国家级自然保护区地表覆被变化情况进行检测,进而对得出的林地、草地、建筑物检测结果进行联合分析,最终得到主被动遥感联合变化检测结果。通过实地精度检验对主被动遥感联合变化检测结果进行验证。结果表明,该方法的变化检测结果精度达到90%以上。说明结合主动遥感和被动遥感既能克服天气的影响,又能在检测中保留光谱和纹理等丰富的信息,变化检测的精度较高;主被动遥感联合变化检测可以较为快速、准确地掌握地表覆被类型的变化,能够在一定程度上减少被动遥感数据的云量困扰。并且该方法在林地和建筑物上有较高的敏感性,适合森林自然保护区的森林变化和建筑监测。  相似文献   
CHEN Li 《干旱区科学》2021,13(6):568-580
The extreme temperature has more outstanding impact on ecology and water resources in arid regions than the average temperature. Using the downscaled daily temperature data from 21 Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project(CMIP) models of NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections(NEX-GDDP) and the observation data, this paper analyzed the changes in temporal and spatiotemporal variation of temperature extremes, i.e., the maximum temperature(Tmax) and minimum temperature(Tmin), in the Kaidu-Kongqi River basin in Northwest China over the period 2020–2050 based on the evaluation of preferred Multi-Model Ensemble(MME). Results showed that the Partial Least Square ensemble mean participated by Preferred Models(PM-PLS) was better representing the temporal change and spatial distribution of temperature extremes during 1961–2005 and was chosen to project the future change. In 2020–2050, the increasing rate of Tmax(Tmin) under RCP(Representative Concentration Pathway) 8.5 will be 2.0(1.6) times that under RCP4.5, and that of Tmin will be larger than that of Tmax under each corresponding RCP. Tmin will keep contributing more to global warming than Tmax. The spatial distribution characteristics of Tmax and Tmin under the two RCPs will overall the same; but compared to the baseline period(1986–2005), the increments of Tmax and Tmin in plain area will be larger than those in mountainous area. With the emission concentration increased, however, the response of Tmax in mountainous area will be more sensitive than that in plain area, and that of Tmin will be equivalently sensitive in mountainous area and plain area. The impacts induced by Tmin will be universal and farreaching. Results of spatiotemporal variation of temperature extremes indicate that large increases in the magnitude of warming in the basin may occur in the future. The projections can provide the scientific basis for water and land plan management and disaster prevention and mitigation in the inland river basin.  相似文献   
哈萨克斯坦共和国冰草种质资源特性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
贾纳提  郭选政  李捷 《草业科学》2006,23(12):31-36
对哈萨克斯坦共和国禾本科冰草属Agropyrom植物100个种质资源的适应性、生产性能及有关生物学特性进行了系统的研究。结果表明,有3个种质材料鲜干比、茎叶比、饲草产量、种子产量、开花期粗蛋白含量等综合指标高于当地大面积推广种植的品种。  相似文献   
In this paper through digestive and metabolic experiments studied the voluntary intake and apparent digestibility of cottonseed hulls (kernel-contained CH,kernel-free CH) and cornstalk on sheep to evaluate the nutrition value and digestion characteristics of cottonseed hulls.12 of adult Xinjiang merino rams were selected and divided into two groups (n=6 each group),and on the basis of 300 g/(head·day) of mixed concentrate,fed with kernel-free CH by 400 (group 1) or 800 (group 2) g/(head·day) respectively,to estimate the digestibility of CH by difference method;As well,another 18 of adult Xinjiang merino rams were selected and divided into three groups (n=6 each group),and on the basis of 300 g/(head·day) of mixed concentrate,cafeteria feeding with kernel-contained CH (group 3),kernel-free CH (group 4) or ground cornstalks (group 5) respectively,to study the effects of three diets on the voluntary intake,digestion and metabolism of sheep.The results showed that the apparent digestibility of the DM,OM,CP,cellulose,hemicellulose and energy of kernel-free CH by sheep were 46.71%,47.37%,-53.40%,66.60%,62.48% and 42.59%,respectively.There were no significant differences in the intake of DM,OM,cellulose,hemicellulose,energy and Ca between kernel-contained CH and kernel-free CH groups (P> 0.05);Intake of CP and P in kernel-contained CH group were extremely significantly higher than that in kernel-free CH group (P< 0.01);Intake of lignin in kernel-contained CH group was extremely significantly lower than that in kernel-free CH group (P< 0.01).There were no significant differences in the apparent digestibility of DM,OM and energy between kernel-contained CH and kernel-free CH groups (P> 0.05).The apparent digestibility of cellulose and hemicellulose in kernel-free CH group were significantly and extremely significantly higher than that in kernel-contained CH group (P< 0.05;P< 0.01),respectively.The apparent digestibility of CP in kernel-contained CH group was extremely significantly higher than that in kernel-free CH group (P< 0.01).The apparent digestibility of DM,OM,CP,cellulose and energy in ground cornstalks group were extremely significantly higher than that in kernel-contained CH and kernel-free CH groups (P< 0.01),however,the apparent digestibility of Ca and P were lower than that in kernel-contained CH and kernel-free CH groups (P> 0.05).Intake and retention of nitrogen in kernel-contained CH group were extremely significantly higher than that in kernel-free CH group (P< 0.01);The was no significant difference in the retention of nitrogen between kernel-free diet group and cornstalk diet group (P> 0.05).It was concluded that CH was a kind of special forage with larger intake,higher digestibility on the fiber substances and energy,but with a serious obstruction on protein digestion;The nutritional value between kernel-free diet and cornstalk diet was almost equal,and with lower nitrogen digestibility on kernel-free diet.  相似文献   
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